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Ans: Odisha Job Khabar will give lerts are posted on www.odishajobkhabar.com as soon as they are posted in the job area.
Q2. What is the URL to Odisha Job Khabar’s official website?
Ans: Odisha Job Khabar official website may be found at www.odishajobkhabar.com. This website gives you central govt jobs as well as state govt jobs alert time to time on daily basis.
Q3. Are qualification-based government jobs offered here?
Ans: Yes, we offer positions in the graduate and post-graduate categories as well as for 10th and 12th pass students.
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Ans: Yes, odisha job khabar regularly give a syllabus and recently previous years questions paper for preparing for recent graduates?
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Q6. Is all of Odisha Govt recruitment covered by this website?
Ans: Yes, we cover every state govt jobs recruitment on regular basis.
Q7. Is odishajobkhabar.com only providing recruitment for state govt jobs
Ans: Odishajobkhabar.com is covering all the recruitment for all state govt jobs as well as central govt jobs.
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Ans. Yes, odishajobkhabar.com is updating is updating nijukti khabar in its portal on daily basis.
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